When we started Travelling Kitchen it seemed natural that we set it up as a social enterprise, with any profits being invested in our core work bringing cooking into schools and communities. Over the past year, Travelling Kitchen has been lucky to receive support from the Dartington School for Social Entrepreneurs funded by the Big Lottery Fund and Lloyds Bank. I've just completed the year long start-up programme which has provided study days on key elements of social business and inspiration by the bucketful from my fellow social entrepreneurs. After every meeting I never failed to return fired up with enthusiasm and with new ideas for how we could take Travelling Kitchen forward. The grant which accompanied the award has enabled us to buy the cooking equipment that we needed to take our idea into communities. Last week nineteen of us from the programme 'graduated' at The Station in central Bristol; a fantastic day which celebrated what we had achieved over the past year. So thank you School for Social Entrepreneurs for all your support and watch this space for the next bit of the journey!

